Sunday, July 6, 2014


Friday was the last day of teaching the 5th and 6th graders at Igpanolong. It was heartbreaking because I've grown so close to the kids. They make you feel like you've known them forever. The Filipinos are the nicest and most warm hearted people in the world. The children entertain themselves so amazingly. They have wheels from the scooters that they push with a wooden stick. Its hard to do it! but the kids are so good at it! They also go run around and catch snakes and spiders. When I came here I had a high fear of spiders. The leaders told us that when the kids bring out spiders to not act like you are scared. Just say "oh, how awesome!" and then the kids find that kinda boring and walk away. If you show you're scared they will keep chasing you with the insects! I've seen probably 12 spider fights and they are the coolest. The kids carry spiders in a small empty match box and carry a thin stick. They set two spiders on the stick and they fight till one of the spiders die. Its crazy, but I love watching it! The kids will also have the spiders crawl on their hands and arms and if the spider crawls faster and faster all they do is blow a little on the spider and the spider completely stops. You would think the spiders would bite them but they don't! So now I can say my fear of spiders has lessened a ton.
Today we also had the chance to go pick out some pigs to give to the school with the best essay that the kids have written. We saw some really cute small piggies, but then there was the huuuuge pigs... The pigs were bigger than me. The pigs heads were about the size of my whole torso. This country is seriously amazing. We went on a small hike to the top of a mountain above my groups school and it was jaw dropping once we reached the top.  The best 4th of July i've ever had. The most amazing view i've ever seen..

-Victoria Weight

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